Review On the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Monitoring
Review On the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Monitoring was published in collaboration with other COST HARMONIOUS team members.
Review On the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Monitoring was published in collaboration with other COST HARMONIOUS team members.
Jana Mullerová presented our research at several events in US during her Fulbright Scholarship, such as ASPRS conference in Denver, Geospatial Sciences Center of Excellence in South Dakota, Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center in South Dakota, ASPRS Pacific Southwest RegionTechnical Meeting at San Diego State University, and Wyoming UAV Symposium in Laramie.
Our long-term collaboration with the IRSTEA research group in Grenoble, France (project DYNARP) focusing on knotweeds is now supported be a small project enabling us to exchange ideas, generate joint manuscripts and plan future research.
By the end of 2017, our three and half year project TAČR TA04020455 (2014-17) Detection and monitoring of invasive species came to the end. Nevertheless we are continuing our research on spatio-temporal patterns of invasions.
Members of the team from Institute of Botany and Brno University of Technology take part in the new European action COST HARMONIOUS ( CA16219; Harmonization of UAS techniques for agricultural and natural ecosystems monitoring), focusing on application of unmanned aircraft technology for both natural and agricultural ecosystems, and constitutes 31 countries. The first meeting was held in […]
At the EMAPI 2017 conference in Lisabon we presented two talks „The role of timing in plant invasion monitoring using UAV“ a „Controversial Robinia pseudoacacia in Europe – a site-specific strategy for sustainable management“.
During the conference UAS4Enviro 2017 at Vila Real we presented a poster Dvořák P., Bartaloš T., Brůna J., Vítková M. & Müllerová J. Towards an unmanned system optimized for invasive plant species mapping.
During the annual IAVS conference in Palermo, a poster „Müllerová J., Bartaloš T., Brůna J., Dvořák P., Kašpar V., and Wild J. Unmanned aircraft, a valuable tool in vegetation structure assessment“ was presented.
In journal Frontiers in Plant Science we published an article assessing the role of right timing of the data acquisition for detection of invasive species (giant hogweed and knotweeds). Müllerová, J., Brůna, J., Bartaloš, T., Dvořák, P., Vítková, M., & Pyšek, P. (2017). Timing is important: unmanned aircraft versus satellite imagery in plant invasion monitoring. Frontiers […]
Presentation at the conference Small UAS for Environmental Research in Worcester 2016 was published as an article focused on detection of black locust using unmanned aircraft – Müllerová, J., Bartaloš, T., Brůna, J., Dvořák, P., & Vítková, M. (2017). Unmanned aircraft in nature conservation – an example from plant invasions. International Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (8-10): 2177-2198.